Election Day
Did you vote? I hope everyone who is qualified, did. Despite the glitches, the long lines of voters waiting for their turn to vote, the defective PCOS machines, the human errors unintentionally committed by untrained COMELEC representatives/teachers - we should still persist and have the patience and perseverance to be able to cast our votes. This could be the one chance we've been waiting for that could change the future of the country. Some didn't want to vote because they believe whoever gets the position won't change anything. With due respect, I believe otherwise. I prefer to never stop hoping that there is HOPE in the country. And if that most coveted CHANGE happens, I can proudly say, I am part of it.
I voted, and I felt good.
Hi Ramred, drop by my place when free. I went to my favourite Boutique named, "Tonight's the night' and got you a lovely, classy cocktail outfit.
It will enhance your already lovely self.
Glad you love seafood.
Be seeing you, have a nice day and keep a song in your heart, Lee.
Hi Uncle Lee,
Been busy this past few days, me and my kids are leaving for HongKong at 3 pm today, this is our final summer vacation before the classes start on June.
Been in your page every now and then, I enjoy reading your write ups. Keep writing for the delight of your readers.
Warm regards.
Yes, we must cast our votes...
Good job :)
Hi Ireine,
Thanks, good to see you again. How've you been? It's been a while...
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